Originally trained as a photojournalist, Heidi is a real-life photo nerd. After graduating with an MA in Image & Communication from Goldsmiths College, she lived in London for 13 years, returning to Illinois in 2006.
Senior portraits hold a special place in her heart. With three older kids of her own, she knows what it takes to make a picture that is meaningful without crossing the line to corny and how to respect the individuality of each person she photographs.
In addition to also operating a successful commercial photography business in La Grange, she volunteers photographic services with many charitable causes.
Name: Heidi
Other names: H Samantha, H, pretz, heids, mom, mumma
Shoot: Nikon (30+ years is a hard habit to break)
Edit: Mac
Favorite ice cream: Coconut
Most interesting place I’ve lived: Deptford, UK
Coolest place I’ve worked: The Economist
Most famous person I ever sat next to in Starbucks: Robin Williams
Favorite saying: Get off the cross, we could use the wood.
Pizza: Mushroom, spinach and olive
Education: Plenty
Favorite lens: 70-200mm 2.8f
Motto: Could be worse
Charities & Associations: NAPCP, PPA, St Baldricks, The Angel Band Project, ASP, Paint The City
Secret talent: Ear wiggling
Best vacation spot: Reykjavik
Husband: Strong silent type
Often heard saying: I don’t know where all the chargers are.
Best job: Taking pictures.
Studio 18a
18a N Catherine Avenue
La Grange, IL 60525
+1 708-767-2276